
Mastering Freelance: How to Find Your First Job on Online Platforms

Miljana Radovic
min read
Jul 11

In our previous story about job hunting, we began with general guidelines and explored various branches of employment you can pursue. What we would like to start with are all the ways to apply, along with tips and tricks on how to land a job more easily. This can vary significantly depending on where and for what type of job you're applying. You won't approach applying to a company the same way, where your success often hinges on the first two sentences of your application, as you would on an online platform where employers can already see a map of your skills, experiences, and traits, better known as your profile.

We'll start this series of articles with the basics of freelancing, specifically focusing on online employment platforms today.

Webflow and a bit of statistics to cheer you up at the beggining of this journey

The No-Code trend is here to stay, and AI will undoubtedly accelerate this movement. Here's some good news for all Webflow developers: out of the total number of websites today, those built with Webflow only hold a 1% share.

Why is this good?

The answer is quite simple. Webflow is being seriously developed and improved almost on a weekly basis. The flexibility and variability it offers suggest that even if you're just starting out, you're still getting in early! By the time it reaches its full potential, you'll already be seniors and leaders in this field. In my opinion, this gives any beginner a serious boost.

Another figure to pay attention to is the hourly rate. It's estimated that Webflow developers earn between $50 and $150 per hour. This range is somewhat more flexible in practice, but it still indicates good working conditions and earnings in the no-code development field.

Lastly, since these articles are intended for anyone beginning their job search adventure, it takes a few weeks to a month to master the basics of Webflow. It takes a few months to elevate your knowledge to an intermediate level, and a year to become proficient. Learning doesn't actually stop there, but for all the essentials, this is one of the shorter return periods for starting a career.

Online platforms you can choose to start with

The most popular platforms for finding Webflow jobs are undoubtedly Upwork and Toptal. They are vastly different but well-known to everyone. Following them are Fiverr, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour. For beginner colleagues, we always recommend Upwork, due to its informative nature, job transparency, extensive Webflow job offerings, and fair rates for web development work. Once you become a master, you can certainly consider Toptal as an option.

All these sites primarily seek freelancers. In this sense, the way you communicate and formulate your proposal to land your first job remains the same across these platforms. Since freelancers are in demand here, we will outline the crucial steps in your application process in the next section, which will undoubtedly improve your job statistics.

What do employers look for in web developers, and how can you stand out in the crowd?

Employers are looking for quick and easy solutions to their problems. This is the core of all the job postings you'll find on Upwork. This essentially means that every employer needs a reliable, skilled, practical, and professional person to solve their problem. The way we demonstrate to the employer that we are the right person for the job is through the proposal we send.

In the following section, we'll reveal the key elements of a proposal that will propel you to the forefront  and help you stand out from the crowd.

  1. Start Your Proposal with a suggested solution. On these platforms, specific job offers and tasks are often posted, which can later turn into long-term collaborations. Therefore, when employers post an ad, it is most important to hire someone who will quickly, efficiently, and effectively solve a problem. People usually start their proposals by introducing themselves, but in these situations, that’s not the primary thing. The primary thing is to stand out, offer a solution, and get the job done adequately.
  2. Write About Experience Instead of Generic Traits. Almost all candidates will say they are hardworking, responsible, capable, and quality-oriented. These phrases are so common that the human eye quickly skims over them and they go unnoticed. If you want to boast, do it with your projects. More specifically, find something in your portfolio that aligns with the job you’re applying for. Employers are more likely to choose you if they see that you resonate with the task at hand.
  3. Offer Webflow Even When It's Not Requested. Clients are generally educated about modern technologies and website building options. However, you will often find someone who has not chosen a platform for website development. Here, it’s good to showcase the advantages of developing a website in Webflow, or even make a parallel comparison with other platforms. This type of client will certainly want the best solution for the allocated budget, and this is where your Webflow offer comes into play.
  4. Pay Attention to Specific Client Requirements. Always read job offers thoroughly, especially on upwork. It is crucial to recognize all the client's needs and respond specifically to those offers. Additionally, employers are aware of the modern-day attention deficit, so they often include a keyword that must be used to start the text. This is a way for employers to instantly filter out those who have read the job ad comprehensively.
    Offer Additional Value. This doesn’t have to mean "I'll make you an additional 74 pages." It's about listening and noticing what your employer prioritizes and figuring out how to elevate that. These moves create quality connections between employers and clients, leading to long-term business collaborations and relationships.
  5. Get them engaged - Ask Questions! Ideally, these should be something that the employer has overlooked, something that can affect the quality of the work, or something that can improve the employer’s idea. At the very least, ask the employer if there’s anything else they are interested in or if something in the offer remains unclear. All those questions you ask do not only show your interest in the job, but also subtly push employers to consider, reflect, and respond.
  6. Send a Video! If you've found the perfect job for you, have a bit of time, and basic communication skills, a good shortcut is a video where you present yourself in a few minutes. Keep in mind that the video should be your ace in the hole, not a stumbling block, so it’s important to stay on topic, immediately offer a solution, briefly explain how you would complete the job based on your experience, and of course, ask if it suits them and what details they would like to discuss further.

Besides the proposal itself, how you present yourself, your profile, and the first impression you make, all influence the candidate selection process. In this regard, do the most „tedious“ thing in the world—fill out your profile thoroughly. Start by uploading a professional picture, take the time to write a detailed introduction about yourself, list your skills and education, and of course, always include a CTA (Call to Action). Format your text to maintain attention—it's worth noting that people generally read text vertically. This means they will scan for keywords every line or every other line if their attention wanes. So, write specific, concise, and relevant sentences.

As we’ve emphasized, these tips are here for all colleagues who want to venture into job hunting on online platforms. It’s an ideal setup for the remote workforce, allowing you to work from any corner of the world. But what about other forms of employment?

In the next article, we’ll talk about just that! We will cover big work systems and shortcuts to jobs for people who want to work in corporations, collaborate with agencies, find clients independently, and of course, job searching through social networks. We’ve tackled the most complex part, and everything else from here is easier.

So... let’s begin the search!

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Miljana Radovic
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