
What is Xano (no-code) backend and how it works?

Mihajlo Andjelkovic
min read
Jul 23

I would like to start this story by stating that Xano is a hidden gem in the no-code and backend world. Why did I say this right at the beginning? Well, besides trying to capture your attention and keep you interested in reading the blog until the end, Xano has managed to solve one of the perpetual problems encountered when creating web applications, which is implementing a good, scalable, secure and one for all backend.

What is Xano?

Xano is a backend development platform that allows users to quickly and efficiently create applications without the need for coding, through a simple and intuitive user interface. Xano provides a comprehensive solution for database management, APIs, authentication, and business logic, making the development of complex applications simpler and faster. In other words, Xano is the fastest way for you to build a secure and scalable backend for your applications without code.

Now that I've defined Xano as a no-code backend tool, let's explore why it is so powerful and what new innovations it brings, not only to the world of no-code development but also to the broader software development industry.

You have your frontend, which is your UI (user interface) and UX (user experience), and then you have your backend, which is the server, the database, and the API and business logic that actually powers all of that functionality.

Why would you use a separate backend instead of using whatever's provided by your frontend of choice?

The first reason is one backend for multiple frontends. Let's say you just have a website right now but you want to deploy a mobile application. If your backend lives in Xano, that means you don't have to migrate your data or your business logic over to a new platform (which can be quite costly)—just connect it to Xano and you're good to go.

Xano also makes co-development super easy. If you're working in a team, you can transform and manage multiple data sources inside your Xano database. And finally, Xano is built for scale with no DevOps required.

To explain, DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. With Xano, there is no need for DevOps, because Xano handles the infrastructure, scaling, and maintenance for you.

"We want to empower everyone to build scalable, world-class software with no code."

How Xano works?

In essence, Xano simplifies backend development without code, allowing users to create powerful and scalable backends with or without writing a single line of code. Here are the main principles by which Xano operates:

Screenshot of Xano's interface

User Interface

There are no more complex SQL queries, making database management accessible even to those without technical expertise. With Xano’s intuitive UI and visual editor, you can easily manipulate databases, automatically generate APIs, and implement business logic.

Screenshot of Xano's generated API CRUD operations

API Generation

One of the core features of Xano is automatic API generation. As you define your database schema, Xano automatically creates RESTful APIs that correspond to your data models. These APIs handle all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, allowing your frontend applications to communicate seamlessly with the backend. You can customize these APIs with additional business logic, validation rules, and authentication requirements to meet your specific needs.

Screenshot of Xano business logic builder

Business Logic

Xano allows you to embed business logic directly into your backend. Using the visual workflow editor, you can design complex logic flows that execute based on various triggers.

For example, when querying data from the database, you can filter which data you want to receive as a response.

A common scenario is when you want to create a logic for registering a new user; first, you need to check if the user already exists in the database, and if they do not, only then you add them. This is one of Xano's strengths as it helps prevent careless errors that might slip through traditional backend development.

Business logic can also include tasks such as data validation, sending notifications, or integrating with third-party services. The visual editor ensures that even those who are not developers can implement sophisticated logic without the need for coding.

Screenshot of Xano's security certifications

Authentication and Security

Security is a crucial aspect of any application, and Xano takes it seriously. A good and secure backend is fundamental for protecting sensitive user data and maintaining the integrity of the system. Without adequate security infrastructure, applications become vulnerable to attacks, data loss, and misuse of user information. Xano provides built-in mechanisms for authentication and authorization to ensure that your data is protected.

Xano's Security Certificates

Xano holds several key security certificates that confirm its commitment to high standards of data protection:

  • ISO 27001: An internationally recognized standard that specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system. This certificate guarantees that Xano applies strict security measures to protect user data.
  • SOC 2 Type II: This certificate confirms that Xano meets standards for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of data. SOC 2 Type II certification includes a detailed audit to ensure compliance with these principles over a specified period.
  • GDPR Compliant: Xano complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which means that user data from the European Union is processed in accordance with strict privacy and data protection rules.
  • HIPAA Compliant: For applications handling healthcare information, Xano complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), ensuring that medical data is protected and private.

To sum it up, your customers, your business and you are completely safe with Xano.

Scalability and Performance

Scalability is a critical consideration for any application. As your user base grows, your backend needs to be able to handle increased traffic and data. Traditionally, scaling a backend requires significant effort, including server management, load balancing, and performance optimization. Overall, it costs you a lot of time and resources to efficiently scale your backend.

On the other hand, Xano takes care of all these aspects for you. The platform is built to scale automatically, so you don’t need to worry about provisioning new servers, managing infrastructure, or hiring a quality DevOps team to help you scale correctly. Essentially, these traditional problems that cost you time and money are taken off your shoulders.

Screenshot of Xano's stack that enables its scalability and performance

Development speed

The primary advantage of no-code platforms like Xano is speed. Traditional development requires a significant investment of time and resources, especially material ones. To create a functional application, you need to write extensive lines of code, debug it, and ensure that everything integrates seamlessly with other components of your application.

This can be a lengthy and complex process, especially for those who are not experienced developers.

When you use Xano, the process is streamlined.

If I haven't convinced you that no-code tools reduce development time, the Xano team has literally made a comparison between traditional and no-code development. So if you're interested in how much time and resources no-code tools can save, take a look.

Xano learning curve

As the no-code movement gains momentum, platforms like Xano are revolutionizing the way we build and manage backends. However, every powerful tool comes with its own learning curve. To be honest, Xano’s learning curve can be daunting for beginners, but don’t worry—I will also explain how you should approach and learn Xano.

Here is how your Xano learning path will probably look:

Now you’re probably wondering, why is the graph like this?

Well let me break it down for you, step by step.

  1. Considering that Xano is a no-code tool, it has a very user-friendly interface. Everything is literally at your fingertips, including countless tips and tutorials. Everything is intuitive. However, problems start when you begin to create your first project.
  2. This is where the frustration begins. You don't understand the fundamentals of backend functionality, what API requests are, how authentication works, or how to set valid logic for certain actions, like adding content. Clearly frustrated, Xano seems very complex with many intricacies to consider, but even despite that…
  3. Little by little, you create various projects, make a few copies of web apps, and start to understand the general best practices for a scalable, fast, and secure backend. You learn something new every day and realize that Xano is there solely to make your job easier and that it takes time to fully master this tool.
  4. Your technical knowledge of Xano becomes excellent, you understand complex principles in Xano, and you start thinking about how much time and resources Xano can save you, as well as how quickly you can launch a complex application to the market.

Okay, now that we've explained this graph, let's take a look at the "levels" of using Xano.

First contact

Screenshot of Xano database tables

At first glance, Xano has a very good UI/UX. As I mentioned earlier, everything is at your fingertips. However, there are so many features and options that can be quite confusing at the beginning if you have no prior experience with backend development.

But don't worry. Almost every section has explanations for what it is intended for. A clear example is the image above where you can see a video from Xano's official channel explaining in detail what a database is. My advice is to take a look around the platform, see where everything is located, and explore the features Xano offers. After you complete this brief overview, start planning which project you can create using Xano and what specific projects you can build with it.

Building Your First Project

I am an advocate for understanding how something works in detail, or as they say, under the hood. With that in mind, it is crucial to understand the following things:

  • APIs and CRUD: You don’t need to be a senior developer to use Xano, but it is very important to understand the basics of frontend and backend communication, which is facilitated by APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). I will talk about this in more detail later.
  • Databases: Databases are an essential part of any backend. All the data that needs to be stored is kept in databases. To start using Xano, you must understand what databases are and how to manipulate them. More on this will be covered later.
  • Programming Language of Your Frontend: To successfully read and write data from the backend, it is beneficial to understand the programming language of your frontend. Even if you are using a no-code frontend tool like Webflow, it is very important to understand how API requests are sent so you can seamlessly create a scalable and fast web, desktop, or mobile application.

If you are wondering what your first Xano project should be and you are familiar with Webflow, I highly recommend watching the video on Wized's official YouTube channel. In this video, Emanuel Škrobonja explains how you can create a simple login and register logic using Webflow, Wized, and Xano.

Becoming a Xano samurai

I'll tell you right away, this is a process that takes time. Creating an application with no-code tools will certainly take you three times less time than traditional development. However, there's a catch.

Creating an application with no-code tools is not that difficult, but creating a scalable, fast, and SECURE application is quite a challenging process. Why? Because during development, you constantly have to take into account countless factors, such as handling data without violating GDPR policies, secure manipulation of cookies, developing with the goal of making the application scalable, automatic compression of user media content, and the list goes on and on...

If you want to become a true Xano samurai, you have to go through that long path of trial and error, watch countless tutorials, read the documentation, and simply commit yourself to never ending learning.

Xano API

Before I dive into Xano's capabilities for generating and manipulating APIs, let's quickly go over what an API is and how it actually works.

What is API?

Every application, whether it is mobile, desktop, or web, has its frontend and backend. To function seamlessly, the frontend needs to communicate effectively with the backend, and vice versa. The API is the key element that ensures these two parts communicate well.

Alright, now that we've clarified what an API is used for, let's see what an API actually is.

API, or Application Programming Interface, is a kind of courier that transfers data from one place to another, in our case from the frontend to the backend and vice versa.

Alright, now that we've clarified what an API is used for, let's see what an API actually is.

API, or Application Programming Interface, is a kind of courier that transfers data from one place to another, in our case from the frontend to the backend and vice versa.

Imagine you go to a library and tell the librarian that you're interested in the book 'The Hobbit' by J.R.R. Tolkien (by the way, really cool book).

The librarian then goes to the fantasy section, climbs a ladder, takes the book from the 12th shelf, and brings it to you. In this scenario, the librarian is essentially performing the role of an API.

So, you (the application user) came to the desk (the frontend) and asked the librarian (the API) to find and bring you the book from the library (the backend). That, in essence, is what an API does.

In technical terms, an API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate. It defines methods and data formats for requesting and exchanging information.

Structure of an API

APIs are designed to facilitate communication between different software applications. They follow a specific structure to ensure that this communication is efficient and standardized.


Endpoints are specific URLs or URIs within an API that represent distinct resources or services. Think of them as the address you send your request to when you need to access specific data or functionality on a server. For example, 'https://api.example.com/users' might be an endpoint for user-related operations.

HTTP Methods

HTTP methods define the actions you can perform on the API's resources and correspond to CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete):

  • GET (Read): Retrieves data from the server. For example, fetching user details.
  • POST (Create): Sends data to the server to create a new resource. For example, adding a new user.
  • PUT/PATCH (Update): Modifies an existing resource on the server. For example, updating user information.
  • DELETE (Delete): Removes a resource from the server. For example, deleting a user account.

These methods allow you to interact with the API and perform essential operations on the resources it manages.

Key Features of Xano's automatic API generation

Xano's automatic API generation is one of its most powerful features. Below, I’ve listed the key features of Xano's neat automatic API generation:

  • Automatic Endpoint Creation - When you define your data models in Xano, it automatically generates RESTful API endpoints for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. This means you don't need to manually code each endpoint, saving significant development time.
  • Consistent and Reliable APIs - By automating API generation, Xano ensures that your APIs are consistent and follow best practices, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies that can occur with manually created APIs.
  • Real-Time Updates - Any changes made to your data models are immediately reflected in the API endpoints. In other words, APIs are always in sync with your data structure, making maintenance easier and more efficient.
  • Customizable Logic - While the basic CRUD operations are generated automatically, Xano allows you to customize these APIs with additional business logic, validation rules, and authentication requirements.
  • Built-In Documentation - Xano provides comprehensive built-in documentation for the generated APIs, making it easy for developers to understand and use the endpoints. To be precise, Xano documentation includes details about available endpoints, request and response formats, and examples of usage.
  • Integration with Frontend - The automatically generated APIs are designed to integrate seamlessly with various frontend tools and frameworks, ensuring smooth communication between the frontend and backend. This interoperability simplifies the development process and enhances the overall efficiency of your application.

Xano database

At the core of Xano's backend capabilities is its powerful and flexible database system. Xano's database management features are designed to handle various types of data and provide seamless data management. Here’s an in-depth look at what makes the Xano database so effective and how it functions:

Data Management

Xano's database management is intuitive and user-friendly, enabling you to create and manipulate data structures with ease. Below you can see the features of Xano’s data management that support this statement.

Visual Database Creation

Screenshot of Xano's database creation process

Tables and Fields: You can create tables to organize your data and add fields to define the properties of your data entries. This process is entirely visual, allowing you to structure your database without writing any SQL code.

Relationships: Xano allows you to define relationships between tables, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Overall especially helpful when maintaining data integrity and supporting complex data models.

CRUD Operations

Screenshot of setting an API endpoint for specific database in Xano

Create, Read, Update, Delete: Xano provides built-in support for CRUD operations on your data. These operations are accessible through the API endpoints generated by Xano, allowing your frontend to interact seamlessly with the backend.

Batch Operations: You can perform batch operations to insert, update, or delete multiple records simultaneously, which is particularly useful for handling large datasets efficiently.

Data Validation

Screenshot of Xano's data validation through logic

Field Validation: Xano allows you to set validation rules for individual fields to ensure data accuracy. For example, you can enforce data types, set required fields, and apply regex patterns.

Custom Validation: You can implement custom validation logic using Xano's visual workflow editor to enforce complex business rules before data is saved to the database.

Performance and Scalability

Xano's database is built to handle high-performance requirements and scale as your application grows. Here’s how:

Automatic Scaling

Xano provides robust support for scaling your backend automatically. This includes handling increased traffic and maintaining performance without requiring manual intervention or extensive DevOps knowledge.

Optimized Data Storage

Xano's data storage system is designed to maximize performance and efficiency, ensuring that your application can handle large volumes of data without sacrificing speed or reliability.

Screenshot of Xano's Indexing options

One of the key features is indexing, which significantly enhances the speed of data retrieval. By creating indexes on your database tables, Xano ensures that queries are executed quickly, even as the volume of data grows. This is particularly important for applications that require real-time data access and high performance.

Real-Time Updates and Integrations

Xano supports real-time data updates and easy integration with other services, making it a versatile choice for modern applications.

WebSockets: Xano supports WebSocket connections, allowing real-time data synchronization between the backend and frontend. This is essential for applications that require live updates, such as chat applications, real-time dashboards or even games.

Event Triggers: You can set up event triggers to execute specific actions when certain conditions are met, such as updating related records or sending notifications.

API Integration: Xano’s database can integrate seamlessly with other APIs and services, enabling you to extend the functionality of your application. For example, you can connect to external APIs to fetch additional data or integrate with services like Zapier to automate workflows.

Data Import/Export: Xano allows you to import data from various formats, including CSV and JSON, making it easy to migrate existing data into your Xano database. Similarly, you can export data for use in other systems or for backup purposes.

Xano user Registration and Authentication

One of the critical features of any backend system is handling user registration and authentication securely and efficiently. Xano does exactly that by leveraging built-in registration, login, and authentication logic. Without further ado, let me explain this in greater detail.

User Registration

Xano provides a straightforward way to handle user registration. When a new user signs up, their details are securely stored in the database. The platform supports customizable registration fields, allowing developers to collect all necessary information during the sign-up process. Xano also includes validation mechanisms to ensure data integrity, such as email verification and password strength requirements.


For user authentication, Xano offers several options to suit different security needs. It supports traditional email/password, via authentication tokens generated by Xano, authentication as well as OAuth for integration with third-party identity providers like Google, Facebook, and others.

Xano's authentication process includes:

  • Session Management: Xano handles user sessions securely, providing authentication tokens that can be used to maintain user sessions without compromising security.
  • Password Recovery: Built-in password recovery mechanisms allow users to reset their passwords securely, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Xano enables developers to define roles and permissions for different user types. This ensures that users only have access to the data and functionalities relevant to their roles, enhancing security and organizational efficiency.

How Xano Integrates with Frontend Tools such as Webflow

One of the key strengths of Xano is its ability to integrate with other tools and services. Whether you use Webflow for your frontend, Zapier for automation, or any other third-party service like Mailchimp or HubSpot, Xano allows you to seamlessly connect all these services and applications with its backend.

Out of all the tools, let’s actually see how well Xano integrates with Webflow.

Benefits of combining Xano and Webflow

  • Ease of Connection: Connecting Xano to Webflow is a seamless process, allowing you to quickly sync your backend with your frontend design.
  • Enhanced Capabilities: Xano offers powerful backend functionalities like database management, automatic API generation, and complex business logic handling. When combined with Webflow, it elevates the capabilities of your web projects.
  • Wized Integration: Using Wized with Xano and Webflow enables the creation of complex interactions and logic without writing a single line of code, making it easier to build and manage sophisticated web applications.
  • Scalability: Xano ensures that your application can handle increasing loads and scale efficiently as your user base grows.
  • Flexibility in Development: This integration allows for rapid prototyping and development, making it ideal for startups and small teams looking to bring their ideas to life quickly.

Webflow + Xano Use Cases

  • E-commerce Platforms: You can use Xano to manage products, orders, and customer data efficiently, providing a seamless shopping experience.
  • Membership Sites: Xano is perfect for handling user registrations, logins, and personalized content delivery, perfect for subscription-based services.
  • Custom Dashboards: With Xano, you can build dashboards that pull data from various sources and present it in a user-friendly interface.
  • Booking Systems: You can develop booking and reservation systems for services like hotels, restaurants, and appointments.

Connecting Xano to Webflow

Connecting Xano and Webflow is very simple, especially since these are no-code tools that need to be intuitive. I've selected two resources that will explain the entire process to you in the finest detail.

And for those who prefer to read, here is the official Xano documentation:

Xano and Webflow integration documentation

The WWX Stack

The WWX Stack is a robust no-code solution that integrates Webflow, Wized, and Xano to simplify web development. As a WWX developer, I can attest to its effectiveness in combining frontend development, dynamic interactions, and scalable backend services. Here is a brief overview of which tool does what:

  • Webflow: A visual web design tool that allows users to create responsive websites without writing code. Webflow provides a platform where design and development converge, enabling users to craft visually stunning and interactive web pages.
  • Wized: This tool bridges the gap between Webflow's design capabilities and backend functionality. Wized enables users to add dynamic interactions, custom logic, and state management to their Webflow sites, making them fully interactive web applications.
  • Xano: A no-code backend platform that provides robust database management, API generation, and business logic implementation. Xano handles the heavy lifting of backend development, allowing users to focus on building their applications.
"Anyone learning these technologies can become a full-stack no-code/low-code developer, significantly reducing development time and costs while maintaining high functionality and scalability."

Xano pricing

What sets Xano apart is its pricing, which many perceive as high. However, what do you actually get for that price? Let's go over Xano's pricing options:

Screenshot of Xano's pricing options

Build Plan (Free): The Build Plan is ideal for beginners who want to learn how to use Xano. This plan allows users to create and experiment with any backend they want. It provides enough features to start simple projects and learn about the capabilities of Xano. Additionally, it allows you to create initial prototypes of your backend, which can later be transformed into live versions.

Starter Plan ($85 per year/$99 per month): The Starter Plan is ideal if you are ready to take your project into production. It offers everything from the Build Plan to additional features to support live applications, including unlimited logging and rate limiting, background tasks, branching/merging, and enhanced security and compliance measures. This plan ensures that your application meets real-world requirements and is secure and compliant.

Scale 1x Plan ($199/month billed annually, $225/month billed monthly): The Scale 1x plan offers notable performance increases for applications that demand advanced capabilities and higher performance. Increased CPU capacity for the database and API, load balancing, additional workspaces and team areas, extensive Redis data caching, and access to Enterprise Add-ons are all included. Overall, this plan is named “Scale” for a reason, and it’s important to mention that multiple Scale plans actually exist: specifically, Scale 2x, Scale 4x, and Scale 8x.

You can choose the appropriate level of resources and performance enhancements required for your application's development and complexity by choosing from a variety of Scale plans listed above.

Agency Plan (custom pricing): This plan is designed for agencies. Its primary strength is that it provides tools and features to effectively manage multiple clients and projects. Additionally, It includes client setup and handoff capabilities, dashboards, partner commissions, and team collaboration tools.

Here, I have briefly explained the plans. If you are interested in more details, feel free to visit Plans and Pricing | Xano.

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Mihajlo Andjelkovic
I am a problem solver at heart, so I'm ready to tackle even the most complex projects...

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